The aliens have landed in Brazil
Strange photo shows the world the British tabloid Daily Mail. The pictures of the tropical undergrowth on a group of people watching the unusual creature like an alien. A right of another strange sight, a thick shiny blobThe Alien In Brazil: Does This Video Prove That Aliens Exist?
Well, there are certainly some things about it that point toward credibility.
For one thing, the look of the alien is very consistent with other "small grey aliens" that have been sighted in the past.
Secondly, at one point a little boy in a yellow shirt turns and looks at the alien, and he even motions for another little boy to turn and look at it. That is something that would be hard to fake.
The alien appears to be moving away from the direction of the small silver blinking orb. Could it be a portal of some sort? Could it have been used for teleportation or for interdimensional travel?
Michael Cohen, the one who obtained this video from the British tourists, says that the region where this video was filmed is known to have a very high level of unusual activity....
"It comes from an area known for experiencing intense UFO activity. It is rather apparent that aliens are interested in this region due to its biological diversity."Unfortunately, we will probably never know for sure if this video of an "alien in Brazil" is a hoax or not. While this is certainly one of the most compelling alien videos that have come out in recent years, the reality is that it is just way too easy to fake just about anything on video these days.
Watch the video posted below and decide for yourself. Does this video prove that aliens exist?....
If there are "aliens" out there, then who are they and what do they want?
Are they friendly, or do they have an insidious agenda?
Can we trust them, or would they lie to us?
Those are some incredibly important questions, and unfortunately humanity may come face to face with these "aliens" before too many more years pass.
Crop Circles
The original crop circles were exactly that -
basic circular patterns of flattened crops - often created in
mysterious circumstances overnight. During the last 20 years, crop
circles have evolved into complex geometric shapes, like the DNA double
helix or the nautilus shell. Whatever creates them has become rapidly
more advanced.
The first crop circle was recorded in 1966, when an
Australian sugar cane farmer claimed to see a saucer-shaped spaceship
rise up from a swamp before flying away. When he looked at the landing
site, he said he found the reeds intricately woven in a clockwise
direction on top of the water. Over the years there have been many
other anecdotal accounts of crop circles appearing in alien UFO
literature, where sometimes the crops were burnt, otherwise flattened.
In 1991, two men from Southampton, England,
admitted they had been creating hoax crop circles for 15 years. They
could make intricate patterns using planks, rope, hats and wire - and
could create a 40-foot circle in 15 minutes. The only reason they came
clean was because one of the men was running up considerable mileage on
his car and had to convince his wife he wasn't having an affair. He
still demonstrates the art today.
Further studies have dismissed claims that
alien saucers have been leaving excessive nitrate deposits at crop
circle locations. Such deposit can be easily explained as nitrate-based
fertilizers used by farmers to grow their crops.
Other paranormal fans claim that there is a
mysterious energy left behind within crop circles and people go there to
mentally make contact with an extra-terrestrial energy. What could
possibly create such a widespread psychological effect?
Science refers to this as The Placebo Effect -
where the mind can produce powerful effects on the body simply because
the person expects it to. Indeed, the mind is so powerful (and
science fully accepts this) that it can sometimes heal the body just as
well as medicine when that medicine is replaced by a sugar pill.
UFOs and Area 51
The first reported UFO sighting happened in
Texas in 1878, when a local farmer reported seeing a large, dark,
circular flying object flying "at wonderful speed". Another famous early
sighting occurred in the UK in 1916, when a pilot reported seeing a row
of lights that rose and disappeared into the sky.
After UFOs were popularized by science fiction
in the 1950s, the number of sightings went through the roof. Theories
to explain the paranormal phenomena range from the good old
Extraterrestrial Hypothesis (aliens visiting us from another planet)
to the Interdimensional Hypothesis (aliens popping over from a parallel
I don't believe there are any unexplained
mysteries about UFOs or alien encounters. The truth is that UFOs can
often be explained as airplanes, helicopters, weather balloons, comets,
meteors and even the five planets which can be seen with the naked eye.
In photos and videos they are usually deemed as dust on the camera lens
or simply all-out hoaxes (which is ridiculously easy to do now with
PhotoShop). Meanwhile, night-time alien visitations can be explained by
the hallucinogenic effect of a somewhat common sleep disorder called Sleep Paralysis.
Meanwhile, UFO conspiracy theories center around Area 51
in Nevada, about 90 miles north of Las Vegas. The site houses a large
air base that was selected in the 1950s for testing of a U-2 spy plane.
It has since become America's testing ground for secret "black budget"
aircraft before they go public.
The mystery that revolves around the small village of Rennes-le-Chateau in France is for many nothing more than a clever fabrication or tourist hype, though the unsolved fact remains that the parish priest in charge there during the 1890’s, that rascal Berenger Sauniere, somehow appeared to amass an overnight fortune by way of some ‘secret’ he had either stumbled across or knew of, the nature of his accumulated wealth and any such secret having being argued over now for the last 40 years. Tales of political intrigue, attempts to instigate a titular head of a new Pan-European monarchy courtesy of a ferociously guarded hidden royal bloodline, and an awaiting ‘treasure’ of unparalleled wealth awaiting to be discovered, are the two enduring hypothesis submitted to explain Sauniere’s secret. Sacred geometrical shapes have been discovered in the landscape in the valley (which, remarkably, has now been found to duplicate in Lincolnshire) evident from strategic placing of churches and rock formation peaks, hinting at a secret on an even larger scale, for who could have been responsible for such an immense and deliberate construction and why? Certainly not the local Tourist Board! Those awaiting the day science fiction becomes science fact daringly suggest that the entire Rennes region conceals an inter-dimensional reality.
The Village of Rennes-le-Chateau, earlier known as Rhedae
At the time the Rennes Mystery was branching out to interest
many here in England, the Chateau was a very dangerous and unwelcome
place to be snooping around, rather unlike today where much of it is
more of a friendly, commercial Theme Park. Tales and whispers of British
Intelligence and CIA involvement only added to the intrigue, for why
would, if indeed they did, such serious agencies have an interest in a
seemingly uninteresting area? If this was a hype, it was going to
extraordinary lengths to maintain itself. The first British intrepids to
hasten to Rennes were my friends the authors Lionel and Patricia
Fanthorpe, followed later by the triple authorship of Lincoln, Baigent
and Leigh whose ’The Holy Blood and the Holy Grail’ million seller is
wearily impossible not to mention in all matters Rennes. Hot on their
tail was sacred geometrician David Wood with whom I worked with a while
and who managed to get himself ‘banned’ by locals from the valley for
his controversial conclusions presented in his 1985 book ‘Genisis’.
The lady who had just became become my wife had already been
there in 1984 having been instructed in a series of informative
strangely lucid dreams, not that she had wanted them. She had been told
that she was going to find a “Treasure’, a ‘Golden helmet encrusted with
diamonds and rubies with a bird flying out of the top’. She was then,
as today, and in tandem with myself, an individual totally unconcerned
and disinterested in commercial gain let alone treasure. I too and
independently, had been given specific information whilst in the dream
state. It clearly impressed upon me a date – April 24th, and
with it the word ‘Lacombe’. This was about seven or eight months before
the following April, so I assumed it meant then – April 24th 1986 , with Halley’s comet due to brush past the earth on 9th February of that year.
The day earlier, with a strange assistance, we had stumbled across a sealed cave that had its two natural points of entry filled with rubble and debris and I can tell you it is highlighted at the top of one of Da Vinci’s versions of ‘Virgin of the Rocks’, a babbling brook runs nearby and there is also a stone marker which is also visible in the painting. This is made all the more puzzling as Da Vinci never visited Rennes! Is it possible somebody who DID visit the site sketched it for him for posterity on canvass? There is an alcove on it that begs out for flowers to be placed there. When Avril arrived running here first, she burst into tears sobbing and repeating over and over what sounded like ‘Artoora’, a word completely unknown to her. In 2011 we gave the best directions we could for a friend to try and locate this cave which was in the vicinity of Les Labadous but it eluded him which has me thinking that since 1986 it has either been deliberately further concealed by any means available or has naturally covered itself with undergrowth over the years. The stone marker dolmen we found also seems to be missing which suggest to me that all evidence of it must have been deliberately destroyed, acts of vandalism not a thing unknown to related clues in the mystery. The French authoress Elizabeth Van Buren who was living at Les Labadous in 1986 and was installing trip wires around her property when we visited, confided to us that knew of this cave, as did David Wood who would occasionally work with her. Van Buren is the great, great granddaughter of the 8th American President, which may go some way to fuel the notion of a CIA interest in Rennes. My own thoughts are is that it was here that the mysterious figure of Mary Magdalene, now the symbolic figure for the elusive ‘Holy Grail’, was once hidden in the cave before being moved for safety to avoid detection by those wishing her harm.
Why had we been summoned to witness ‘The Phoenix bird leaving its nest’? Was this Phoenix, in mythology a bird with a beautiful voice and with feathers of gold and red, the ‘golden helmet and rubies’ Avril had been promised? As a bird of Arabia it was so called because it possessed a scarlet colour. Rennes-le-Chateau was originally known as Rhedae. Employing the phonetic Mother Tongue, we can translate this as ‘Red Eye’. A ‘Red Eye’ in the sky? Critics and sceptics will say what we had witnessed was a strange electrical storm or Supercell thunderstorm, (despite no thunder!) but must we believe we had been given a date in a dream just to come and view a storm? British UFO author Jenny Randles describes what we saw in her book ‘Time Storms’, when she tells us that such an event involves a peculiar glowing energy cloud that can incur all manners of phenomenon from synchronicities, the opening of alternate dimensions, disorientating the viewers, gravity anomalies and other weird goings on. Since the encounter my life is now governed by synchronicities.
The story doesn’t end there. A little over a day later, villagers at Chernobyl, Russia, reported seeing a stationary orange cloud in the sky hours before the disaster at the nuclear plant there which released radioactive plutonium around the world. The explosive and technological aspect of the Pluto conjunction?
RENNES-LE-CHATEAU and the UFO – The Flight of the PHOENIX
RENNES-LE-CHATEAU and the UFO – The Flight of the PHOENIX
by Dan GreenThe mystery that revolves around the small village of Rennes-le-Chateau in France is for many nothing more than a clever fabrication or tourist hype, though the unsolved fact remains that the parish priest in charge there during the 1890’s, that rascal Berenger Sauniere, somehow appeared to amass an overnight fortune by way of some ‘secret’ he had either stumbled across or knew of, the nature of his accumulated wealth and any such secret having being argued over now for the last 40 years. Tales of political intrigue, attempts to instigate a titular head of a new Pan-European monarchy courtesy of a ferociously guarded hidden royal bloodline, and an awaiting ‘treasure’ of unparalleled wealth awaiting to be discovered, are the two enduring hypothesis submitted to explain Sauniere’s secret. Sacred geometrical shapes have been discovered in the landscape in the valley (which, remarkably, has now been found to duplicate in Lincolnshire) evident from strategic placing of churches and rock formation peaks, hinting at a secret on an even larger scale, for who could have been responsible for such an immense and deliberate construction and why? Certainly not the local Tourist Board! Those awaiting the day science fiction becomes science fact daringly suggest that the entire Rennes region conceals an inter-dimensional reality.
An interesting observation concerning investigation at
Rennes was by now noticeably evident – there were the hard-nosed, down
to earth treasure hunters bent in search of a physical, tangible find
and alongside them a different type of sleuth who were either employing
what we can describe as ‘psychic ’means or who were being influenced by’
psychic’ interference encouraging them to pursue the mystery. Whereas
the former had no time for the latter other than to dismiss their worth
and pour scorn on their methods, the psychics began to increase in
numbers and by the 90’s there was the inevitable arrival on the scene of
the ancient and elusive phenomenon of the UFO. Certainly no treasure hunter, my own involvement as if by no choice, was drawn and placed firmly with reluctance with resistance, into this category of High Strangeness and the Unknown. Back in 2005, I finally arrived at a location that has been sought for over a century and remains key to the Rennes mystery. I had been led to it by many a twist and turn more at home with a paranormal investigation rather than the try hard neurologist accepting unconscious guidance that I prefer to be and fall more in line with. You may already know a little about the ‘Lincoln Cathedral Code’, but for now we will return to a pivotal episode in its development, and to a fateful date with a valley fulfilled in an early Spring night in France, 1986. Being one of a great many fascinated with the mystery of Rennes-le-Chateau as introduced to us by that 1982 bestseller ‘The Holy Blood and the Holy Grail’, it was time for me to visit Rennes to see what lay in store, and I had a time date to meet, arrived upon by unorthodox means. |
The return of Halley’s Comet photographed passing earth in 1986 – an omen of Chernobyl ?
When we arrived in the valley with our van and mobile caravan,
our first meeting with a local was with a young Frenchman called Daniel
who had left Bordeaux in his own full knowledge that he had been
‘drawn’ to give up his daily existence and move to Rennes. He still
lives in the valley this day. Daniel had in time built his own Navaho
style Indian stone hut and hung his choice name on it. He had chosen
‘Lacombe’. He also revealed that he had been waiting for a specific
arrival – that of a man and woman. All this was a short time before the
24th and when that day came it proved to be eventful. Avril
and I had visited the small church of Bugarach where she had a weird
experience by suddenly without warning burst into an operatic style aria
whilst in there alone! This is all the more interesting when we learn
that priest Sauniere had been conducting furtive ‘experiments’ behind
closed doors with one of his regular visitors, the famous French
operatic diva Emma Calve, whereupon it seemed Emma would be attempting
to hit specific notes!The day earlier, with a strange assistance, we had stumbled across a sealed cave that had its two natural points of entry filled with rubble and debris and I can tell you it is highlighted at the top of one of Da Vinci’s versions of ‘Virgin of the Rocks’, a babbling brook runs nearby and there is also a stone marker which is also visible in the painting. This is made all the more puzzling as Da Vinci never visited Rennes! Is it possible somebody who DID visit the site sketched it for him for posterity on canvass? There is an alcove on it that begs out for flowers to be placed there. When Avril arrived running here first, she burst into tears sobbing and repeating over and over what sounded like ‘Artoora’, a word completely unknown to her. In 2011 we gave the best directions we could for a friend to try and locate this cave which was in the vicinity of Les Labadous but it eluded him which has me thinking that since 1986 it has either been deliberately further concealed by any means available or has naturally covered itself with undergrowth over the years. The stone marker dolmen we found also seems to be missing which suggest to me that all evidence of it must have been deliberately destroyed, acts of vandalism not a thing unknown to related clues in the mystery. The French authoress Elizabeth Van Buren who was living at Les Labadous in 1986 and was installing trip wires around her property when we visited, confided to us that knew of this cave, as did David Wood who would occasionally work with her. Van Buren is the great, great granddaughter of the 8th American President, which may go some way to fuel the notion of a CIA interest in Rennes. My own thoughts are is that it was here that the mysterious figure of Mary Magdalene, now the symbolic figure for the elusive ‘Holy Grail’, was once hidden in the cave before being moved for safety to avoid detection by those wishing her harm.
Da Vinci’s ‘Virgin of the Rocks’ with actual cave visited by Dan Green at the top’
At a few minutes after 8pm on the evening of 24th,
even our significant cave discovery would be eclipsed. Whilst on that
subject, we didn’t know until many years afterwards, but on 24th
April 1986 there was a rare total lunar eclipse in the afternoon, rare
owing to the fact that the moon was in conjunct with Pluto, a scarce
astronomical event. Pluto represents explosive events and nuclear
technology. It was young Rene, my stepson who was also with us, who
first noticed the three bright lights in the sky high above the mountain
range in the distance, as we rested outside of Daniel’s hut. Bright and
rounded like stars, suddenly there, they couldn’t help but arrest your
eye. Then, as we all checked with each other, we could clearly see they
were on the move! As abruptly as they had appeared they were gone, but
now heading our way came a huge orangey red cloud flashing bolts of
lightning from within its core and in an absolute silence, in a clear
blue sky. It was the weirdest thing as it slowly moved silently through
the valley and over our heads, giving the impression that Time was
standing still. All around us there were no signs of life as the
fascinating air show made its way over to the Chateau and around the
back of the Tower there and made off. Only Daniel broke the silence in
his own broken English, “I think it was a spaceship..’
The Firebird Phoenix – an allegory for a Spaceship?
Whether or not, there are seventy verses describing ‘cloud
ships’ in the Bible, my favourite being Ezekiel Chapter 1, verse 4; ‘And
I looked, and behold a whirlwind came out of the North, a great cloud,
and a fire infolding itself, and a brightness was about it, and out of
the midst thereof as the colour of amber, out of the midst of the fire’,
the following passage going on to describe angelic beings coming out of
this midst. This is exactly what we had witnessed! That night Avril had
this message in a dream, ‘When the bird leave its nest, look to the
West.’ However that was to be interpreted, we left for England the
following day only after learning that Van Buren had left for elsewhere
in France the day before the encounter, obviously she had not been
invited to the ‘appointment’.Why had we been summoned to witness ‘The Phoenix bird leaving its nest’? Was this Phoenix, in mythology a bird with a beautiful voice and with feathers of gold and red, the ‘golden helmet and rubies’ Avril had been promised? As a bird of Arabia it was so called because it possessed a scarlet colour. Rennes-le-Chateau was originally known as Rhedae. Employing the phonetic Mother Tongue, we can translate this as ‘Red Eye’. A ‘Red Eye’ in the sky? Critics and sceptics will say what we had witnessed was a strange electrical storm or Supercell thunderstorm, (despite no thunder!) but must we believe we had been given a date in a dream just to come and view a storm? British UFO author Jenny Randles describes what we saw in her book ‘Time Storms’, when she tells us that such an event involves a peculiar glowing energy cloud that can incur all manners of phenomenon from synchronicities, the opening of alternate dimensions, disorientating the viewers, gravity anomalies and other weird goings on. Since the encounter my life is now governed by synchronicities.
The story doesn’t end there. A little over a day later, villagers at Chernobyl, Russia, reported seeing a stationary orange cloud in the sky hours before the disaster at the nuclear plant there which released radioactive plutonium around the world. The explosive and technological aspect of the Pluto conjunction?
The devastated Chernobyl nuclear plant
And now for the synchronicities. Daniel’s hut was called
Lacombe, this is also the name of the French scientist in the ‘Close
Encounters’ movie, this fictional character styled on real UFO French
physicist Jacques Vallee – we were in the Rennes ‘Valley’. In the movie,
the Mothership, which in an earlier scene was shown concealed in a red
cloud, made contact at a landmark that actually exists in Wyoming, USA,
called ‘Devil’s Tower’. The Tower at Rennes also has this dubious nick
‘The Devil’s Tower’ at Rennes-le-Chateau
As a researcher into the marvel of the Collective
Unconscious, I can only declare here it was at work, passing through
unwitting human agency as it can do. Unable to fathom it, I left behind
this experience and interest in Rennes-le-Chateau, but twenty years
later it was to reintroduce itself into my life. This time, it had
transposed itself over to Lincoln, England, and with the discovery of a
Code within the Gothic Cathedral there I again found myself back in a
familiar territory.
Did Spielberg’s movie tap the Collective Unconscious?
Copyright Dan Green 2012
Presented with permission of the author
Presented with permission of the author
Callum Jensen (Dan Green – author of
‘The Lincoln Da Vinci Code’ and ‘The Lincoln Da Vinci Code and the
Mystery of Rennes-le-Chateau’)
Area 51, located on Groom Lake in southern Nevada (c.), was founded in 1955 by the U.S. Air Force to develop and test new aircrafts – such as the U-2 Spy Plane, A-12 Blackbird and F-117 Stealth Fighter. The secretive nature of the military base, combined with its classified aircraft research, helped conspiracy theorists imagine an installation filled with time-travel experimentation, UFO coverups and alien autopsies.
there an extraterrestrial structure on the far side of the moon? That
is the controversial question that many are now asking. This website,
Mysteries Of The World, does not claim to have all the answers. But we
are not afraid to ask the hard questions. The video posted below, if
true, is quite shocking. But as always, we must temper our enthusiasm
with the reality that it is just so easy to fake things these days.
There are a whole lot of rumors and claims about the far side of the
moon, but it just seems to difficult to substantiate them. With that
being said, the video below is definitely eyebrow raising. If there is
evidence of extraterrestrial architecture on the far side of the moon
that would have huge implications for the history of the solar system.
So just what does the video posted below show?
It contains pictures of the far side of the Moon around the rim of the Zeeman Crater. Pictures from the 1960s taken by the Lunar Orbiter Program are compared to pictures from today.
The pictures from the 1960s appear to show a very unusual structure on the far side of the Moon, but the pictures from today show no trace of it.
So exactly what is going on here?
Is this evidence of a coverup?
Is the discrepancy the result of a technical glitch?
Is someone hoaxing us?
After watching the video please feel free to leave a comment with your opinion....
Scientists aren't clear on the origin story for this ancient Peruvian skull (Photo courtesy of RPP)
Peruvian anthropologist Renato Davila Riquelme has discovered the remains of an unidentified creature with a "triangle shaped" skull nearly as large as its 20-inch-tall body.
Has the Kingdom of the Crystal Skull --the setting for the underwhelming 2008 Indiana Jones vehicle--finally been discovered? Well, don't be expecting a victory lap from Steven Spielberg or George Lucas anytime soon.
The remains are most likely those of a child, though one with an unusually shaped head and frame. But that hasn't stopped local site RPP from interviewing several anonymous Spanish and Russian "scientists" claiming that the remains are actually those of an alien:
Davila Riquelme said three anthropologists, from Spain and Russia,
arrived at the museum last week to investigate the findings and agreed
it was ‘not a human being’ and would conduct further studies.
If the aliens really are landing, this latest picture seems to confirm that their first port of call on Earth will be Russia.
After other claims of extraterrestrial life turning up in Siberia, the latest is from a Russian woman who says she kept a frozen alien corpse in her fridge.
The mysterious 'lifeform' was reportedly kept by Marta Yegorovnam in her fridge in the western Russian city of Petrozavodsk for two years, while she took five pictures to prove its existence.
The 'body', the third alien sighting in Russian in recent months, was reportedly retrieved by Miss Yegorovnam from a UFO crash site near her summer house in 2009.
She says she approached the flaming wreckage and crumpled metal which she described as 'unbearably hot' and near the twisted hulk lay the dead alien.
'creature' is two feet long, has an enormous head, large bulbous eyes
and an appearance somewhere between a fish and a humanoid.
It also appears to have what looks like a string-like arm protruding from its body.
website reported that two men turned up at her home a few days ago and
confiscated the corpse for investigative purposes, claiming to be from
the Karelian Research Center of the Russian Academy of Sciences.
'The possibility this could be a genuine alien should not be discounted'
The footage was unearthed by noted paranormal writer and expert Michael Cohen.
Mr Cohen, 40, said: 'This could be an elaborate hoax, however the possibility that this might be a genuine alien should not be discounted.
'Russia is a hotbed of UFO activity and possible alien craft has been tracked by both military and civilian agencies.
'In all likelihood most alien beings would look strange to us, much like this specimen.'
This latest claim from Russia comes after footage filmed in August in the remote Irkutsk region of
Siberia appeared to show a strange glowing craft and five aliens walking
about in the snow.
April, two students who claimed to have recovered a body from a UFO
crash site admitted that the creature was in fact made out of bread.
Timur Hilall, 18, and Kirill Vlasov, 19, shot the video that showed the alien's mangled remains frozen in snow, also in Irkutsk, Siberia.
The pair were questioned by police over their 'extraterrestrial discovery' but admitted to their stunt.
But not before their creation became an internet sensation, drawing almost 700,000 hits on YouTube.
Their find was deemed serious enough for the Kremlin to get involved and a spokesman from the Russian interior ministry confirmed the hoax.
Imagination is one of the most powerful tools in humanity’s evolutionary struggle for survival. As a race, we are hardwired to consider important concepts, such as the creation of life on Earth and the history of people on this planet. At some point, we are all presented with various explanations and theories regarding the expansion of human life on Earth. In the long history of mankind, the majority of these concepts have followed religious teachings, and the power of a spiritual God or Gods. In modern times, many people have come to challenge these claims.
The idea of evolution has been used to describe the gradual change of traits that living organisms undergo over time, which is related to the environment, but it doesn’t explain how the biological cells of human’s first ancestor were spawned. Because of the fact that everyone is interested in the creation of life on Earth, and concurrently we have been taught to believe in the power of religion and the impossibility of alien life, the idea that this article will be examining is controversial. It will be based around some concepts that have been labeled absurd by the scientific community, but let your imagination go, and have some fun with the list.

The idea surrounding ancient aliens is a basic one. It states that the human population was influenced by a group of extraterrestrials that visited Earth in the past. The aliens were directly involved in the evolution of primates, including humans. It has been suggested that this was accomplished by way of genetic engineering, cross-breeding, or a combination of both, ultimately helping in the development of human cultures, technologies and religion. The idea first gained widespread exposure with the 1968 publication of Chariots of the Gods by Erich von Däniken, but the concept has been around since the middle of the 19th century. A common variant of the idea includes proposals that deities from most, if not all, religions, including angels and demons, are actually extraterrestrials whose advanced technologies were taken by people as evidence of a divine status.
This concept is related to the religious practice of a cargo cult, which can be seen in modern day pre-industrial tribal societies. Especially during World War II, when indigenous people were contacted by soldiers with advanced equipment, such as guns and tanks. The cults subsequently attempted to obtain wealth through magic and religious rituals and practices. The ancient alien theory states that extraterrestrials purposely tricked the human population into believing they were Gods, creating religion to help people evolve more efficiently. The Fermi paradox is the apparent contradiction between high estimates of the probability of the existence of extraterrestrial civilizations and the lack of evidence for, or contact with, such civilizations.
It has been proposed that, with the current age of the universe and its vast number of stars, if the Earth was typical, extraterrestrial life should be common. In response to this paradox, the zoo hypothesis has been suggested. It states that aliens generally avoid making their presence known to humanity, or avoid exerting an influence on development, somewhat akin to zookeepers observing animals in a zoo, or experimental scientists observing a study of life. Adherents of the hypothesis feel that the Earth and humans are being secretly surveyed using equipment located on Earth, or elsewhere in the Solar System. Charles Fort’s unpublished 1915 manuscript, novel X, describes how Martian beings or Martian events control life on Earth. Fort ultimately burnt the manuscript, but one surviving quote from it is “The Earth is a farm. We are someone else’s property.”

The idea of ancient astronauts has spawned a UFO religion named Raëlism. The Raelian Movement teaches that life on Earth was scientifically created by a species of extraterrestrials, which they call the Elohim. Members of the Elohim appeared human and were mistaken for angels, cherubim or gods. The Bible is full of accounts of angels and demons. The text mentions millions of angels and their experiences on Earth and in the heavens. In Christian tradition, demons are similar to angels. They are spiritual, immutable and immortal. The individual demon owns a specific knowledge, sometimes on only one subject. The apocryphal Book of Enoch recounts that a group of 200 rebellious angels, or Watchers, left heaven and came down to Earth to marry human women and have children with them.
The Quran depicts a story of angels that are given minds of their own, found in verse [2:34]. One of the angels was Iblis (Satan/Lucifer), who rebelled and was therefore banished on earth to create mischief amongst mankind. According to the Catechism of the Catholic Church, angels were all created as good beings, but some decided to become evil. It was written that angels do not need faith as they already have the knowledge of celestial things, which means that their action constitutes unforgivable sin. The idea of alien intervention on Earth can be found in the modern religious philosophy of Thelema. Thelema was developed by the early 20th century British writer, Aleister Crowley.
Crowley’s system of Thelema begins with The Book of the Law, which he claims was a direct dictation from an entity named Aiwass. Crowley later identified Aiwass as his own Holy Guardian Angel. The religion is founded upon the idea that the 20th century marked the beginning of the Aeon of Horus, in which a new ethical code would be followed; “Do what thou wilt shall be the whole of the Law.” The famed American rocket propulsion researcher, Jack Parsons, was one of the first Americans to take a keen interest in the writings of Aleister Crowley. Parsons research into rocket propulsion was some of the earliest in United States history. His pioneering work in the development of solid fuel, and the invention of Jet-fuel Assisted Take Off units for aircraft was of great importance to the start of humanity’s space age. The work of Parsons and his peers helped people usher in the age of space travel. Jack Parsons was largely self-educated.

The extraterrestrial hypothesis is the theory that some unidentified flying objects (UFOs) are best explained as being extraterrestrial life or non-human aliens from other planets. The idea sounds simple to modern day humans, but it a relatively new concept that originated out of the saucer sightings and close encounters of the 1940s-1960s. Thousands of UFO sightings have been reported in the last 50 years, and one of the emerging themes in these events is the Men in Black. The Men in Black are men, or aliens, dressed in black suits who have been reported to harass or threaten UFO witnesses to keep them quiet about what they have seen. In most cases, the men claim to be government agents, but it is often suggested that they may be aliens themselves.
People who have reported an encounter with the Men in Black often describe them as men of short stature with a deeply tanned and dark complexion. According to the accounts, Men in Black always seem to have detailed information on the person they contact, as if the individual had been under surveillance for a long period of time. They have been described as seeming confused by the nature of everyday items such as pens, eating utensils or food, as well as using outdated slang. Those who have encountered them say they produce identification, but when verification is later sought, the people described do not exist or have been dead for some time. Another defining characteristic of the Men in Black is wide grins and disconcerting giggles.
The phenomenon has been frequently reported since the 1950s and 1960s, but some researchers, including John Keel and others, have suggested similarities between the Men in Black reports and earlier demonic accounts. Keel suggests that the beings are a modern-day manifestation of the same phenomena that was earlier interpreted as the devil, or encounters with fairies. The term “the black man” has been used for centuries in reference to the Devil. In history, the Black Man was often reported as meeting with the accused and having sexual intercourse with them. Old Scratch or Mr. Scratch is another folk name for The Devil that is used in the local legends of New England and pre-Civil War America.
During the Middle Ages, the black man was not a person with African features, but rather a man colored black and dressed in black. In modern times, another phenomenon known as the Grinning Man has become associated with the Men in Black, and various reports of paranormal activity. These creatures are larger and characterized by a wide grinning face. In most cases, people describe a strange sensation of not being able to focus in on the Grinning Man. It has been suggested that the smile is an attempt by the aliens to conform to society and keep humans feeling safe, but in all reports the figure is described as extremely creepy. In the Half-Life series of first-person shooter video games, there is a mysterious character named G-Man that parallels some of the Men in Black descriptions.

During WWII, the term foo fighter was used by Allied aircraft pilots to describe the various UFOs and mysterious aerial phenomena seen in the skies over both the European and Pacific Theater of Operations. In the wake of the war, the world entered an era of substantial achievement and technical advancement. One such example is the Lockheed SR-71 Blackbird, which is a United States aircraft that was developed in the early 1960s. The SR-71 Blackbird is a strategic reconnaissance aircraft that currently holds the air speed record. In 1903, Wilbur Wright set the aircraft speed record going 6.82 mph (10.98 km/h). In 1976, the SR-71 Blackbird went 2,193.2 mph (3,529.6 km/h). The craft was manned by Eldon W. Joersz during the record flight, but is highly capable of taking off and landing unassisted.
In modern times, organizations have been developed, such as the Disclosure Project, which have alleged the existence of a world government cover-up of information relating to unidentified flying objects and alien encounters. People argue that the technical advancements humans have experienced since WWII have been achieved with the help of extraterrestrial life and equipment. Proponents of the ancient alien theory have suggested that the development of nuclear weapons sparked an increased interest in humanity’s evolutionary path, ultimately leading to an era of mass abductions and close encounters. Some others point to the current global climate disruption and apocalypse predictions, identifying them as a precursor for the secret extraterrestrial involvement and intervention on Earth, ensuring the survival of life.

Angel hair is a substance that is said to be dispersed from UFOs as they fly overhead. It has been described as being like a cobweb or a jelly. Angel hair has been reported at sightings of the Virgin Mary. This fact has intrigued ancient alien believers, and has been used as a possible indication of extraterrestrial influence at reported sightings of the Virgin Mary and Jesus. Historical reports of angel hair show that the substance disintegrates, or evaporates, within a short time of forming. One publicized theory of UFO believers is that the substance is “ionized air sleeting off an electromagnetic field” that surrounds a craft. The most reported incident of angel hair occurred in Oloron, France, in 1952. The event was characterized by a large amount of unexplained aircraft sightings.
On November 2, 1959, in the Portuguese city of Évora, angel hair was collected and analyzed by armed forces technicians and scientists of the University of Lisbon. Conclusions stated that the substance was so advanced that it could be a single-celled organism of some kind, a vegetable product, not animal. People have connected references in the Bible to the phenomenon of angel hair. Pixie dust is said to be related. Beginning in the 14th century, humans began to mention a gelatinous substance named star jelly. Star jelly is described as a translucent or grayish white gelatin, which tends to evaporate shortly after falling. In the past, the substance was connected with meteor showers. Angel grass is a related phenomenon that occurs when short metallic threads fall to the ground in intertwined loosed masses. However, angel grass is an explained occurrence and comes from certain military aircraft. It is a type of Chaff, used as a radar counter-measure.

Greys are a proposed alien species that is most widely associated with the alien abduction phenomenon. It has been alleged that Greys are intelligent extraterrestrials who visit Earth and secretly perform medical experiments on humans. Paranormal claims surrounding the Greys are different in many ways, including their nature, moral dispositions, intentions and physical appearances, some having a different skin color. A composite description derived from overlap claims would have Greys as small bodied, sexless beings with smooth grey skin, an enlarged head and large eyes. They are described as humanoid beings that possess reduced forms of, or a completely lack of, external human organs such as noses, ears or sex organs.
Their bodies are usually depicted as being elongated, having a small chest, and lacking in muscular definition. According to a 1995 study among reports of alien encounters, Greys make up approximately 50% in Australia, 43% in the United States, 90% in Canada, 67% in Brazil, 20% in Continental Europe, and around 12% in Great Britain. It has been proposed that the home planet of these beings is located in the Zeta Reticuli star system. Greys are therefore sometimes known as Zeta Reticulans. People have reported two distinct groups of Greys, with one being much taller. This had led to the suggestion that the smaller Greys are not biologically alive, but instead an artificially constructed robot or cyborg servant.
People have described the Greys as staring into their eyes when conducting mental procedures. This staring, which is performed directly in your face, is claimed to induce hallucinogenic states or directly provoke different emotions. According to English reproductive biologist Jack Cohen, the typical image of a Grey, given that it would have evolved on a world with different environmental and ecological conditions from Earth, is too physiologically similar to a human to be credible as an alien species. This brings us to the theory that these extraterrestrial beings had some influence on the evolution of life on Earth in the distant past, or that they are an ancient race of humans that was forced to abandon Earth, but still watches over the planet.

Cattle mutilation is a term that has been adopted to describe the apparent killing, and then mutilation, of cattle under unusual or anomalous circumstances. Sheep and horses have also been mutilated, and the phenomenon is not specific to cattle. A hallmark of these incidents is the surgical nature of the mutilation. The creatures are often found completely drained of blood, with missing internal organs. There is no obvious point of entry, and the surgically precise removal of the animal’s reproductive organs and anal coring is consistent. Another strange occurrence surrounding the mutilations is that the animal’s bodies are found dumped in an area where there are no marks or tracks leading to or from the carcass, even when the body is found in soft ground or mud. The surgical-type wounds observed appear to be made by intense heat and a very sharp/precise instrument.
Often flesh will be removed to the bone in an exact manner and location, such as around the jaw exposing the mandible. The first largely reported case of mutilation occurred near Alamosa, Colorado, in 1967. The event involved a horse named Lady, who was discovered with her head and neck skinned. The cuts on the horse were very precise and no blood was found. According to Lady’s owner, there was a strong medicinal odor in the air that surrounded the corpse. At the scene, fifteen tapering, circular exhaust marks were punched into the ground. This evidence was discovered over an area of some 5000 square yards. Similar to other cases of animal mutilation, the area surrounding Lady showed an increase in radiation levels. By the mid 1970s, mutilated cattle were reported in 15 US states and in many other areas all over the world.
Many of the accounts include unexplained lights, sounds and UFOs. It has been noted that mutilated cattle are avoided by large scavengers, such as coyotes, wolves, foxes, dogs, skunks, badgers and bobcats for several days after death. Similarly, domestic animals are reported to be visibly agitated and fearful of the carcass. According to Dr. Howard Burgess, nearly 90% of mutilated cattle are between four and five years old. Laboratory reports carried out on some of these animals have shown unusually high or low levels of vitamins or minerals in tissue samples, and the presence of chemicals not normally found in animals.
In one case involving a 1978 mutilated cow in New Mexico, samples from the animal’s liver were found to be completely devoid of copper and to contain four times the normal level of zinc, potassium and phosphorus. As you would suspect, a government cover-up has been offered as an explanation for the deaths. This is often fueled by the reported presence of black helicopters near mutilation sites. Various hypotheses have been written, suggesting that cattle mutilations have been committed by aliens who are gathering genetic material for unknown purposes. Proponents of the ancient alien theory suggest that, as cows make up a significant part of the global human diet, a study is being carried out on this element of the human food chain.

Over the years, it has been scientifically observed that the Earth’s Moon holds some strange characteristics. The Moon is the 5th largest natural satellite in the Solar System. It is believed to have been created by a giant impact between the young Earth and a Mars-sized body. After examination, it has been noted that the Moon is apparently in the wrong orbit for its size, according to its current assumed density. Astronomy data indicates that the internal regions of the Moon are less dense than the outer, giving rise to the inevitable speculation that it could be hollow. Some of these claims come from the fact that when meteors strike the Moon, it rings like a bell. More specifically, when the Apollo crew, on November 20, 1969, released the lunar module, after returning to the orbiter, the module impact with the Moon caused their seismic equipment to register a continuous reverberation like a bell for more than an hour.
In July of 1970, members of the then Soviet Academy of Sciences, Michael Vasin and Alexander Shcherbakov, proposed the Spaceship Moon Theory. The pseudoscientific theory claims that the Earth’s moon may actually be an alien spacecraft. Vasin and Shcherbakov’s thesis was that the Moon is a hollowed-out planetoid created by unknown beings with technology far superior to any on Earth. Huge machines would have been used to melt rock and form large cavities within the Moon. The Moon would, therefore, consist of a hull-like inner shell and an outer shell made from metallic rocky slag. The “Spaceship Moon” was then placed into orbit around the Earth. Proponents of this theory point to the increased reports and pictures of UFOs taken by NASA on their missions to the moon. It has been found that asteroids and meteors not only create shallow craters on the Moon’s surface, but produce a convex floor to the crater instead of concave as expected, supporting the idea of a rigid shell.
The moon is far older than previously expected, maybe even older than the Earth or the Sun. The oldest age for the Earth is estimated to be 4.6 billion years old, while Moon rocks were dated at 5.3 billion years. The chemical composition of the dust upon which the rocks sit is remarkably different from the rocks themselves. This indicates that the lunar surface may have been moved from somewhere else and placed on the Moon. Some of the Moon’s craters originated internally, yet there is no indication that the Moon was ever hot enough to produce volcanic eruptions. Hundreds of moonquakes are recorded each year that cannot be attributed to meteor strikes. Some of the quakes seem to follow a specific schedule.
The moon’s crust is much harder than originally presumed. When NASA was recorded drilling down a few inches into the Moon’s surface, it appeared that metal shavings were visible. Earth’s moon is the only natural satellite in the Solar System that has a stationary, near-perfect circular orbit. How does one explain the coincidence that the moon is just the right distance, coupled with just the right diameter, to completely cover the sun during an eclipse? Professional astronomers have been gradually discouraged from investigating a phenomenon that has been reported on the Moon for 1,000 years. It is short-lived light, color, or other changes in the appearance of the lunar surface, referred to as Transient Lunar Phenomena.

Starting in May of 1917, something happened to three shepherd children in the town of Fátima, Portugal. The events have become known as Our Lady of Fátima. Starting on May 1, 1917, the children began to describe seeing a woman “brighter than the sun, shedding rays of light clearer and stronger than a crystal ball, pierced by the burning rays of the sun.” The being was reported to have appeared to the children on the 13th day of six consecutive months in 1917, starting on May 13. According to ten year old Lúcia Santo, in the course of her encounters, the woman confided to the children three secrets, now known as the Three Secrets of Fátima. Thousands of people flocked to Fátima and Aljustrel in the ensuing months, drawn by reports of visions and miracles. On three separate occasions before the Miracle of the Sun, the children reported that the Lady had promised to them that she would, on October 13, 1917, reveal her identity and provide a miracle “so that all may believe.”
On October 13, 1917, the Miracle of the Sun was witnessed and reported by 50,000 to 100,000 people in the Cova da Iria fields near Fátima, Portugal. The people in attendance had assembled to observe the publicized event. According to many statements, after a downfall of rain, the dark clouds broke and the sun appeared as an opaque, spinning disc in the sky. It was said to be significantly duller than normal, and to cast multicolored lights across the Earth, the people and the surrounding clouds. The sun was then reported to have careened towards the earth in a zigzag pattern. It was said that the people’s previously wet clothes became “suddenly and completely dry,” as well as the wet and muddy ground that had been previously soaked because of the rain. According to the reports, the event lasted approximately ten minutes.
The Miracle of the Sun was marked by a large amount of angel hair over the land. On July 13, 1917, the lady is said to have entrusted the children with three secrets. These secrets have been highly controversial in the Catholic Church, and have been revealed to the public at different time periods, with the final one coming out in 2000. The First Secret was allegedly a vision of Hell. The Second Secret was a statement that World War I would end and goes on to predict World War II. The second half of the secret includes information about Russia and requests that it become consecrated to the Immaculate Heart. It should be noted that the Second Secret wasn’t revealed until 1941, after World War II had already began.
The majority of the controversy is with the Third Secret. It was revealed in 2000 and includes information about the persecution of Christians in the 20th century that culminated in the failed assassination attempt on Pope John Paul II. However, historical references to the Third Secret indicate something else entirely, with information regarding Apocalypse, a great apostasy, and satanic infiltration of the Catholic Church. If you are unfamiliar, apostasy is the formal disaffiliation from, or abandonment of, a religion by a person, basically, criticism of a person’s former religion. In 1980, John Paul II was quoted on the Third Secret. “It should be sufficient for all Christians to know this much. If there is a message, it is said that the oceans will flood entire sections of the Earth and from one moment to the other, millions of people will perish.”

Val Camonica, Italy, is one of the largest valleys of the central Alps, in eastern Lombardy. It is the location of a set of ancient paintings that are believed to depict forgotten deities. The pictures resemble modern day astronauts, despite being painted around 10,000 BC. I can see the resemblance to a space suit, but I am more impressed with the modern day photographic evidence that was captured by the Solway Firth Spaceman photograph. On May 23, 1964, Jim Templeton, a firefighter from Carlisle, Cumberland, took three pictures of his five-year-old daughter while on a day trip to Burgh Marsh, situated near Burgh by Sands and overlooking the Solway Firth in Cumbria, England.
The only other people reported on the marshes that day were a couple of old ladies, and although cows and sheep would have normally been plentiful, they were huddled together at the far end of the marsh. In the second image captured by Templeton, a white figure can be seen in what looks like a space suit. Templeton insists that he did not see the figure until after his photographs were developed, and analysts at Kodak confirmed that the photograph was genuine. To this day, the picture remains unexplained and a source of international fascination. When the picture was taken, in 1964, human space suits were in their extreme infancy. It has been suggested by some people that the figure is merely someone with their back to the camera, perhaps wearing a hat or helmet.
Upon the national release of the photograph, Jim Templeton claimed that he was visited by two men who, he says, came from Her Majesty’s Government. The men tried to make Templeton admit that he had photographed a person, but he refused. In the same time frame that the picture was taken, a Blue Streak missile launch at the Woomera Test Range, using Cumbrian-built weaponry, was aborted because of two large men who were witnessed on the firing range. The technicians reported that the figures resembled the Solway Firth Spaceman. Ufologists have used the photograph as evidence that extraterrestrial life has influenced the modern day space program, including space suits.
The premise of Skyline is simple. As the trailer and a preview showed us, a group of young, mildly douchey friends are spending the weekend partying at a swanky hotel on the outskirts of Los Angeles. After a night of revelry, they are awakened at 4:27 AM by strange, booming noises. They head outside to see strange blue lights vaporizing downtown Los Angeles. When two of the characters go out to the roof to investigate, they see UFOs descend from the clouds, and other people start getting sucked off the rooftops into the ships.
With that, the race is on to survive and flee the city, all while trying to avoid getting sucked into a UFO, dodge giant prowling aliens, and escape the mysterious blue lights that absolutely wreak havoc on people's skin. We don't know just how massive the attack is - whether it's worldwide or centered on Los Angeles - but we saw clips of giant aerial battles between the military and the UFOs, and the panel moderator hinted that he had seen scenes that were on an even bigger scale.
The movie is the work of the Greg and Colin Strause, who have done amazing visual and special effects work on Avatar, Titanic, 300, X-Men 3, The Day After Tomorrow, and Terminator 3 (and they would really appreciate it if you forgot they directed Aliens vs. Predator: Requiem). The duo chose to work outside the studio system on this project, making a movie on the (relative) cheap and in record time - the movie has only taken 11 months to make. They said they've been around movies long enough to know what people do wrong and cut out all the inefficiencies that cause big budget projects to waste huge amounts of money.
It also allowed them to cast exactly who they wanted, sidestepping the often infuriating politics of casting in the studio system. The movie stars Eric Balfour (Haven), Donald Faison (Turk on Scrubs), Scottie Thompson (Trauma), Brittney Daniel (Mac's on/off love interest on It's Always Sunny in Philadelphia), and David Zayas (Angel Batista on Dexter). Because of the low budget, the cast noted that they didn't have their own trailers, which meant they were able to bond and talk over the movie, which helped their performances. Eric Balfour also mentioned that the Brothers Strause were able to get away with having them do stuff they could never get away with on a bigger picture, including putting the actors on some very rickety scaffolding just because there was no one to tell them no.
Skyline looks like it's got a chance to be the next awesome low-budget alien flick. The Brothers Strause said it has 800 shots in it, which is more than most blockbusters, and their use of high-end digital cameras allowed them to really maximize the amount of shooting they could do with limited time and money. They explained that they told everyone involved to just go nuts and do the sort of stuff they could never get past twenty rounds of producers, and one of the coolest things we saw was the completely organic approach to the alien ships and their marauding alien walkers.
Does Mystery Find in Bee County, TX Show An Ancient Alien Influence?
like it and the only stone artifact heads
that I know of are at Malaquite, Texas, and they are very different,
very very different from this one," says Elizabeth Villines with the Bee
County Historical Society.
Area 51, located on Groom Lake in southern Nevada (c.), was founded in 1955 by the U.S. Air Force to develop and test new aircrafts – such as the U-2 Spy Plane, A-12 Blackbird and F-117 Stealth Fighter. The secretive nature of the military base, combined with its classified aircraft research, helped conspiracy theorists imagine an installation filled with time-travel experimentation, UFO coverups and alien autopsies.
The Unexplained Mystery Of The Alien Structure On The Far Side Of The Moon
So just what does the video posted below show?
It contains pictures of the far side of the Moon around the rim of the Zeeman Crater. Pictures from the 1960s taken by the Lunar Orbiter Program are compared to pictures from today.
The pictures from the 1960s appear to show a very unusual structure on the far side of the Moon, but the pictures from today show no trace of it.
So exactly what is going on here?
Is this evidence of a coverup?
Is the discrepancy the result of a technical glitch?
Is someone hoaxing us?
After watching the video please feel free to leave a comment with your opinion....
The Serpent Seedline...the mixing of fallen angels with humans never ended. Bloodlines and many generations of hybrid human and alien DNA dominate our planet...Read about the beginning...what the churches won't tell you about the Garden of Eden What was the Real Sin In The Garden of Eden? |
were giants in those days...
There were giants in the earth in those days; and also after that, when the sons of God came in unto the daughters of men, and they bare children to them, the same [became] mighty men which [were] of old, men of renown...Genesis 6:4 |
Document/ Map on Underground Private Tube Shuttle System for the Western Half of the United
States - what they don't
want you to know
impact chart for earth changes before 2013
The New World Order of Atlantis
The council of 10 |
Pictures of Cho
Seung-Hui the V-Tech Assassin - 2 pics shown, are they they same person?
Seems obvious it's just Another Government Black Op Manchurian operation
to push gun control laws. If the students at VA Tech had guns they could
have stopped him, apparently the police were too busy hiding behind the trees
to do so.
Mysterious, triangle-shaped ‘alien skull’ found in Peru
Has the Kingdom of the Crystal Skull --the setting for the underwhelming 2008 Indiana Jones vehicle--finally been discovered? Well, don't be expecting a victory lap from Steven Spielberg or George Lucas anytime soon.
The remains are most likely those of a child, though one with an unusually shaped head and frame. But that hasn't stopped local site RPP from interviewing several anonymous Spanish and Russian "scientists" claiming that the remains are actually those of an alien:
It has a non-human appearance because the head is triangular and big, almost the same size as the body. At first we believed it to be a child's body until Spanish and Russian doctors came and confirmed that, yes, it's an extraterrestrial being.Of course, five anonymous scientific authorities citing proof of extraterrestrial life would probably be generating a little more attention if their research had passed some basic scrutiny. Even if the remains are almost certainly those of a person, they are certainly unusual. You can take a look at the gallery of photos here
Is this an alien skull? Mystery of giant-headed mummy found in Peru
- Skull has soft spot, found in infants, yet also two large molars, found in older humans
- Three anthropologists agree: 'It is not a human being'
A mummified elongated skull found in Peru could finally prove the existence of aliens.
The strangely shaped head - almost as big as its 50cm (20in) body - has baffled anthropologists.
It was one of two sets of remains found in the city of Andahuaylillas in the southern province of Quispicanchi.
Spanish and Russian scientists who have examined the remains claim they are actually those of an alien
The skeletal sets were discovered by Renato Davila Riquelme, who works for the Privado Ritos
Andinos museum in Cusco in south-eastern Peru.
He said that that the eye cavities are far larger than normally
seen in humans.
There is a soft spot in the skull - called an open fontanelle -
which is a characteristic of children in their first year of life, yet the
skull also has two large molars, only found in much older humans.
The unidentified creature has a strangely shaped skull nearly as large as its 20-inch-tall body
Indiana Jones And The Kingdom Of The Crystal Skull featured a conical alien skull similar to the one found in Peru
He added: ‘Although the assessment
was superficial, it is obvious that its features do not correspond to any
ethnic group in the world.’
The remains of an eyeball in the right socket will help determine its
genetic DNA - and clear up the controversy if it is human or not.
The second mummy is incomplete and is only 30cm (12in).
It lacks a face and seems to be wrapped in a layer as a placenta, fetal
The remains bear a striking resemblance
to the triangular crystal skull in the 2008
Indiana Jones film Kingdom of the Crystal Skull - which turned out to be of alien origin and have supernatural powers.
Mystery of the 'alien corpse' woman stored in her fridge for two years (why do they all turn up in Russia?)
- Russian woman kept alien before it was 'confiscated' by authorities
- Third 'alien' sighting in Russia in recent months
- Experts claim country is 'hotbed of UFO activity'
If the aliens really are landing, this latest picture seems to confirm that their first port of call on Earth will be Russia.
After other claims of extraterrestrial life turning up in Siberia, the latest is from a Russian woman who says she kept a frozen alien corpse in her fridge.
The mysterious 'lifeform' was reportedly kept by Marta Yegorovnam in her fridge in the western Russian city of Petrozavodsk for two years, while she took five pictures to prove its existence.
Intelligent life? The 2ft high creature was apparently stored in Marta Yegorovnam's fridge in western Russia for two years
'Crash victim': The 'creature' was said to have
been retrieved from a UFO crash site in 2009. It has an enormous head,
bulbous eyes and one stick-like arm
Heading for Earth? The alien in Miss
Yegorovnam's fridge has conveniently been removed by men from the
'Karelian Research Center of the Russian Academy of Sciences'
She says she approached the flaming wreckage and crumpled metal which she described as 'unbearably hot' and near the twisted hulk lay the dead alien.
It also appears to have what looks like a string-like arm protruding from its body.
Proof at last? This screen grab shows an
apparent UFO on the ground in Siberia earlier this year with what
appears to be an unearthly being to its right and four other beings
directly in front of the glowing craft
Naturally, Miss Yegorovnam did what most would in the same situation and stored the alien in her fridge for two years, according to Unexplained Mysteries.
'The possibility this could be a genuine alien should not be discounted'
Mr Cohen, 40, said: 'This could be an elaborate hoax, however the possibility that this might be a genuine alien should not be discounted.
'Russia is a hotbed of UFO activity and possible alien craft has been tracked by both military and civilian agencies.
'In all likelihood most alien beings would look strange to us, much like this specimen.'
Alien life? This strange 'body' was said to have
been discovered by two walkers close to Irkutsk, Siberia, in a renowned
hotspot for extraterrestrial behaviour
Students Timur Hilall, 18, and Kirill Vlasov, 19, admitted their 'find' was just a stunt and the alien was made from bread
Timur Hilall, 18, and Kirill Vlasov, 19, shot the video that showed the alien's mangled remains frozen in snow, also in Irkutsk, Siberia.
The pair were questioned by police over their 'extraterrestrial discovery' but admitted to their stunt.
But not before their creation became an internet sensation, drawing almost 700,000 hits on YouTube.
Their find was deemed serious enough for the Kremlin to get involved and a spokesman from the Russian interior ministry confirmed the hoax.
Imagination is one of the most powerful tools in humanity’s evolutionary struggle for survival. As a race, we are hardwired to consider important concepts, such as the creation of life on Earth and the history of people on this planet. At some point, we are all presented with various explanations and theories regarding the expansion of human life on Earth. In the long history of mankind, the majority of these concepts have followed religious teachings, and the power of a spiritual God or Gods. In modern times, many people have come to challenge these claims.
The idea of evolution has been used to describe the gradual change of traits that living organisms undergo over time, which is related to the environment, but it doesn’t explain how the biological cells of human’s first ancestor were spawned. Because of the fact that everyone is interested in the creation of life on Earth, and concurrently we have been taught to believe in the power of religion and the impossibility of alien life, the idea that this article will be examining is controversial. It will be based around some concepts that have been labeled absurd by the scientific community, but let your imagination go, and have some fun with the list.
Ancient Aliens
The idea surrounding ancient aliens is a basic one. It states that the human population was influenced by a group of extraterrestrials that visited Earth in the past. The aliens were directly involved in the evolution of primates, including humans. It has been suggested that this was accomplished by way of genetic engineering, cross-breeding, or a combination of both, ultimately helping in the development of human cultures, technologies and religion. The idea first gained widespread exposure with the 1968 publication of Chariots of the Gods by Erich von Däniken, but the concept has been around since the middle of the 19th century. A common variant of the idea includes proposals that deities from most, if not all, religions, including angels and demons, are actually extraterrestrials whose advanced technologies were taken by people as evidence of a divine status.
This concept is related to the religious practice of a cargo cult, which can be seen in modern day pre-industrial tribal societies. Especially during World War II, when indigenous people were contacted by soldiers with advanced equipment, such as guns and tanks. The cults subsequently attempted to obtain wealth through magic and religious rituals and practices. The ancient alien theory states that extraterrestrials purposely tricked the human population into believing they were Gods, creating religion to help people evolve more efficiently. The Fermi paradox is the apparent contradiction between high estimates of the probability of the existence of extraterrestrial civilizations and the lack of evidence for, or contact with, such civilizations.
It has been proposed that, with the current age of the universe and its vast number of stars, if the Earth was typical, extraterrestrial life should be common. In response to this paradox, the zoo hypothesis has been suggested. It states that aliens generally avoid making their presence known to humanity, or avoid exerting an influence on development, somewhat akin to zookeepers observing animals in a zoo, or experimental scientists observing a study of life. Adherents of the hypothesis feel that the Earth and humans are being secretly surveyed using equipment located on Earth, or elsewhere in the Solar System. Charles Fort’s unpublished 1915 manuscript, novel X, describes how Martian beings or Martian events control life on Earth. Fort ultimately burnt the manuscript, but one surviving quote from it is “The Earth is a farm. We are someone else’s property.”
Angels and Demons
The idea of ancient astronauts has spawned a UFO religion named Raëlism. The Raelian Movement teaches that life on Earth was scientifically created by a species of extraterrestrials, which they call the Elohim. Members of the Elohim appeared human and were mistaken for angels, cherubim or gods. The Bible is full of accounts of angels and demons. The text mentions millions of angels and their experiences on Earth and in the heavens. In Christian tradition, demons are similar to angels. They are spiritual, immutable and immortal. The individual demon owns a specific knowledge, sometimes on only one subject. The apocryphal Book of Enoch recounts that a group of 200 rebellious angels, or Watchers, left heaven and came down to Earth to marry human women and have children with them.
The Quran depicts a story of angels that are given minds of their own, found in verse [2:34]. One of the angels was Iblis (Satan/Lucifer), who rebelled and was therefore banished on earth to create mischief amongst mankind. According to the Catechism of the Catholic Church, angels were all created as good beings, but some decided to become evil. It was written that angels do not need faith as they already have the knowledge of celestial things, which means that their action constitutes unforgivable sin. The idea of alien intervention on Earth can be found in the modern religious philosophy of Thelema. Thelema was developed by the early 20th century British writer, Aleister Crowley.
Crowley’s system of Thelema begins with The Book of the Law, which he claims was a direct dictation from an entity named Aiwass. Crowley later identified Aiwass as his own Holy Guardian Angel. The religion is founded upon the idea that the 20th century marked the beginning of the Aeon of Horus, in which a new ethical code would be followed; “Do what thou wilt shall be the whole of the Law.” The famed American rocket propulsion researcher, Jack Parsons, was one of the first Americans to take a keen interest in the writings of Aleister Crowley. Parsons research into rocket propulsion was some of the earliest in United States history. His pioneering work in the development of solid fuel, and the invention of Jet-fuel Assisted Take Off units for aircraft was of great importance to the start of humanity’s space age. The work of Parsons and his peers helped people usher in the age of space travel. Jack Parsons was largely self-educated.
Men in Black
The extraterrestrial hypothesis is the theory that some unidentified flying objects (UFOs) are best explained as being extraterrestrial life or non-human aliens from other planets. The idea sounds simple to modern day humans, but it a relatively new concept that originated out of the saucer sightings and close encounters of the 1940s-1960s. Thousands of UFO sightings have been reported in the last 50 years, and one of the emerging themes in these events is the Men in Black. The Men in Black are men, or aliens, dressed in black suits who have been reported to harass or threaten UFO witnesses to keep them quiet about what they have seen. In most cases, the men claim to be government agents, but it is often suggested that they may be aliens themselves.
People who have reported an encounter with the Men in Black often describe them as men of short stature with a deeply tanned and dark complexion. According to the accounts, Men in Black always seem to have detailed information on the person they contact, as if the individual had been under surveillance for a long period of time. They have been described as seeming confused by the nature of everyday items such as pens, eating utensils or food, as well as using outdated slang. Those who have encountered them say they produce identification, but when verification is later sought, the people described do not exist or have been dead for some time. Another defining characteristic of the Men in Black is wide grins and disconcerting giggles.
The phenomenon has been frequently reported since the 1950s and 1960s, but some researchers, including John Keel and others, have suggested similarities between the Men in Black reports and earlier demonic accounts. Keel suggests that the beings are a modern-day manifestation of the same phenomena that was earlier interpreted as the devil, or encounters with fairies. The term “the black man” has been used for centuries in reference to the Devil. In history, the Black Man was often reported as meeting with the accused and having sexual intercourse with them. Old Scratch or Mr. Scratch is another folk name for The Devil that is used in the local legends of New England and pre-Civil War America.
During the Middle Ages, the black man was not a person with African features, but rather a man colored black and dressed in black. In modern times, another phenomenon known as the Grinning Man has become associated with the Men in Black, and various reports of paranormal activity. These creatures are larger and characterized by a wide grinning face. In most cases, people describe a strange sensation of not being able to focus in on the Grinning Man. It has been suggested that the smile is an attempt by the aliens to conform to society and keep humans feeling safe, but in all reports the figure is described as extremely creepy. In the Half-Life series of first-person shooter video games, there is a mysterious character named G-Man that parallels some of the Men in Black descriptions.
Modern Technical Advancement
During WWII, the term foo fighter was used by Allied aircraft pilots to describe the various UFOs and mysterious aerial phenomena seen in the skies over both the European and Pacific Theater of Operations. In the wake of the war, the world entered an era of substantial achievement and technical advancement. One such example is the Lockheed SR-71 Blackbird, which is a United States aircraft that was developed in the early 1960s. The SR-71 Blackbird is a strategic reconnaissance aircraft that currently holds the air speed record. In 1903, Wilbur Wright set the aircraft speed record going 6.82 mph (10.98 km/h). In 1976, the SR-71 Blackbird went 2,193.2 mph (3,529.6 km/h). The craft was manned by Eldon W. Joersz during the record flight, but is highly capable of taking off and landing unassisted.
In modern times, organizations have been developed, such as the Disclosure Project, which have alleged the existence of a world government cover-up of information relating to unidentified flying objects and alien encounters. People argue that the technical advancements humans have experienced since WWII have been achieved with the help of extraterrestrial life and equipment. Proponents of the ancient alien theory have suggested that the development of nuclear weapons sparked an increased interest in humanity’s evolutionary path, ultimately leading to an era of mass abductions and close encounters. Some others point to the current global climate disruption and apocalypse predictions, identifying them as a precursor for the secret extraterrestrial involvement and intervention on Earth, ensuring the survival of life.
Angel Hair
Angel hair is a substance that is said to be dispersed from UFOs as they fly overhead. It has been described as being like a cobweb or a jelly. Angel hair has been reported at sightings of the Virgin Mary. This fact has intrigued ancient alien believers, and has been used as a possible indication of extraterrestrial influence at reported sightings of the Virgin Mary and Jesus. Historical reports of angel hair show that the substance disintegrates, or evaporates, within a short time of forming. One publicized theory of UFO believers is that the substance is “ionized air sleeting off an electromagnetic field” that surrounds a craft. The most reported incident of angel hair occurred in Oloron, France, in 1952. The event was characterized by a large amount of unexplained aircraft sightings.
On November 2, 1959, in the Portuguese city of Évora, angel hair was collected and analyzed by armed forces technicians and scientists of the University of Lisbon. Conclusions stated that the substance was so advanced that it could be a single-celled organism of some kind, a vegetable product, not animal. People have connected references in the Bible to the phenomenon of angel hair. Pixie dust is said to be related. Beginning in the 14th century, humans began to mention a gelatinous substance named star jelly. Star jelly is described as a translucent or grayish white gelatin, which tends to evaporate shortly after falling. In the past, the substance was connected with meteor showers. Angel grass is a related phenomenon that occurs when short metallic threads fall to the ground in intertwined loosed masses. However, angel grass is an explained occurrence and comes from certain military aircraft. It is a type of Chaff, used as a radar counter-measure.
Greys are a proposed alien species that is most widely associated with the alien abduction phenomenon. It has been alleged that Greys are intelligent extraterrestrials who visit Earth and secretly perform medical experiments on humans. Paranormal claims surrounding the Greys are different in many ways, including their nature, moral dispositions, intentions and physical appearances, some having a different skin color. A composite description derived from overlap claims would have Greys as small bodied, sexless beings with smooth grey skin, an enlarged head and large eyes. They are described as humanoid beings that possess reduced forms of, or a completely lack of, external human organs such as noses, ears or sex organs.
Their bodies are usually depicted as being elongated, having a small chest, and lacking in muscular definition. According to a 1995 study among reports of alien encounters, Greys make up approximately 50% in Australia, 43% in the United States, 90% in Canada, 67% in Brazil, 20% in Continental Europe, and around 12% in Great Britain. It has been proposed that the home planet of these beings is located in the Zeta Reticuli star system. Greys are therefore sometimes known as Zeta Reticulans. People have reported two distinct groups of Greys, with one being much taller. This had led to the suggestion that the smaller Greys are not biologically alive, but instead an artificially constructed robot or cyborg servant.
People have described the Greys as staring into their eyes when conducting mental procedures. This staring, which is performed directly in your face, is claimed to induce hallucinogenic states or directly provoke different emotions. According to English reproductive biologist Jack Cohen, the typical image of a Grey, given that it would have evolved on a world with different environmental and ecological conditions from Earth, is too physiologically similar to a human to be credible as an alien species. This brings us to the theory that these extraterrestrial beings had some influence on the evolution of life on Earth in the distant past, or that they are an ancient race of humans that was forced to abandon Earth, but still watches over the planet.
Animal Mutilation
Cattle mutilation is a term that has been adopted to describe the apparent killing, and then mutilation, of cattle under unusual or anomalous circumstances. Sheep and horses have also been mutilated, and the phenomenon is not specific to cattle. A hallmark of these incidents is the surgical nature of the mutilation. The creatures are often found completely drained of blood, with missing internal organs. There is no obvious point of entry, and the surgically precise removal of the animal’s reproductive organs and anal coring is consistent. Another strange occurrence surrounding the mutilations is that the animal’s bodies are found dumped in an area where there are no marks or tracks leading to or from the carcass, even when the body is found in soft ground or mud. The surgical-type wounds observed appear to be made by intense heat and a very sharp/precise instrument.
Often flesh will be removed to the bone in an exact manner and location, such as around the jaw exposing the mandible. The first largely reported case of mutilation occurred near Alamosa, Colorado, in 1967. The event involved a horse named Lady, who was discovered with her head and neck skinned. The cuts on the horse were very precise and no blood was found. According to Lady’s owner, there was a strong medicinal odor in the air that surrounded the corpse. At the scene, fifteen tapering, circular exhaust marks were punched into the ground. This evidence was discovered over an area of some 5000 square yards. Similar to other cases of animal mutilation, the area surrounding Lady showed an increase in radiation levels. By the mid 1970s, mutilated cattle were reported in 15 US states and in many other areas all over the world.
Many of the accounts include unexplained lights, sounds and UFOs. It has been noted that mutilated cattle are avoided by large scavengers, such as coyotes, wolves, foxes, dogs, skunks, badgers and bobcats for several days after death. Similarly, domestic animals are reported to be visibly agitated and fearful of the carcass. According to Dr. Howard Burgess, nearly 90% of mutilated cattle are between four and five years old. Laboratory reports carried out on some of these animals have shown unusually high or low levels of vitamins or minerals in tissue samples, and the presence of chemicals not normally found in animals.
In one case involving a 1978 mutilated cow in New Mexico, samples from the animal’s liver were found to be completely devoid of copper and to contain four times the normal level of zinc, potassium and phosphorus. As you would suspect, a government cover-up has been offered as an explanation for the deaths. This is often fueled by the reported presence of black helicopters near mutilation sites. Various hypotheses have been written, suggesting that cattle mutilations have been committed by aliens who are gathering genetic material for unknown purposes. Proponents of the ancient alien theory suggest that, as cows make up a significant part of the global human diet, a study is being carried out on this element of the human food chain.
Spaceship Moon Theory
Over the years, it has been scientifically observed that the Earth’s Moon holds some strange characteristics. The Moon is the 5th largest natural satellite in the Solar System. It is believed to have been created by a giant impact between the young Earth and a Mars-sized body. After examination, it has been noted that the Moon is apparently in the wrong orbit for its size, according to its current assumed density. Astronomy data indicates that the internal regions of the Moon are less dense than the outer, giving rise to the inevitable speculation that it could be hollow. Some of these claims come from the fact that when meteors strike the Moon, it rings like a bell. More specifically, when the Apollo crew, on November 20, 1969, released the lunar module, after returning to the orbiter, the module impact with the Moon caused their seismic equipment to register a continuous reverberation like a bell for more than an hour.
In July of 1970, members of the then Soviet Academy of Sciences, Michael Vasin and Alexander Shcherbakov, proposed the Spaceship Moon Theory. The pseudoscientific theory claims that the Earth’s moon may actually be an alien spacecraft. Vasin and Shcherbakov’s thesis was that the Moon is a hollowed-out planetoid created by unknown beings with technology far superior to any on Earth. Huge machines would have been used to melt rock and form large cavities within the Moon. The Moon would, therefore, consist of a hull-like inner shell and an outer shell made from metallic rocky slag. The “Spaceship Moon” was then placed into orbit around the Earth. Proponents of this theory point to the increased reports and pictures of UFOs taken by NASA on their missions to the moon. It has been found that asteroids and meteors not only create shallow craters on the Moon’s surface, but produce a convex floor to the crater instead of concave as expected, supporting the idea of a rigid shell.
The moon is far older than previously expected, maybe even older than the Earth or the Sun. The oldest age for the Earth is estimated to be 4.6 billion years old, while Moon rocks were dated at 5.3 billion years. The chemical composition of the dust upon which the rocks sit is remarkably different from the rocks themselves. This indicates that the lunar surface may have been moved from somewhere else and placed on the Moon. Some of the Moon’s craters originated internally, yet there is no indication that the Moon was ever hot enough to produce volcanic eruptions. Hundreds of moonquakes are recorded each year that cannot be attributed to meteor strikes. Some of the quakes seem to follow a specific schedule.
The moon’s crust is much harder than originally presumed. When NASA was recorded drilling down a few inches into the Moon’s surface, it appeared that metal shavings were visible. Earth’s moon is the only natural satellite in the Solar System that has a stationary, near-perfect circular orbit. How does one explain the coincidence that the moon is just the right distance, coupled with just the right diameter, to completely cover the sun during an eclipse? Professional astronomers have been gradually discouraged from investigating a phenomenon that has been reported on the Moon for 1,000 years. It is short-lived light, color, or other changes in the appearance of the lunar surface, referred to as Transient Lunar Phenomena.
Miracle of the Sun
Starting in May of 1917, something happened to three shepherd children in the town of Fátima, Portugal. The events have become known as Our Lady of Fátima. Starting on May 1, 1917, the children began to describe seeing a woman “brighter than the sun, shedding rays of light clearer and stronger than a crystal ball, pierced by the burning rays of the sun.” The being was reported to have appeared to the children on the 13th day of six consecutive months in 1917, starting on May 13. According to ten year old Lúcia Santo, in the course of her encounters, the woman confided to the children three secrets, now known as the Three Secrets of Fátima. Thousands of people flocked to Fátima and Aljustrel in the ensuing months, drawn by reports of visions and miracles. On three separate occasions before the Miracle of the Sun, the children reported that the Lady had promised to them that she would, on October 13, 1917, reveal her identity and provide a miracle “so that all may believe.”
On October 13, 1917, the Miracle of the Sun was witnessed and reported by 50,000 to 100,000 people in the Cova da Iria fields near Fátima, Portugal. The people in attendance had assembled to observe the publicized event. According to many statements, after a downfall of rain, the dark clouds broke and the sun appeared as an opaque, spinning disc in the sky. It was said to be significantly duller than normal, and to cast multicolored lights across the Earth, the people and the surrounding clouds. The sun was then reported to have careened towards the earth in a zigzag pattern. It was said that the people’s previously wet clothes became “suddenly and completely dry,” as well as the wet and muddy ground that had been previously soaked because of the rain. According to the reports, the event lasted approximately ten minutes.
The Miracle of the Sun was marked by a large amount of angel hair over the land. On July 13, 1917, the lady is said to have entrusted the children with three secrets. These secrets have been highly controversial in the Catholic Church, and have been revealed to the public at different time periods, with the final one coming out in 2000. The First Secret was allegedly a vision of Hell. The Second Secret was a statement that World War I would end and goes on to predict World War II. The second half of the secret includes information about Russia and requests that it become consecrated to the Immaculate Heart. It should be noted that the Second Secret wasn’t revealed until 1941, after World War II had already began.
The majority of the controversy is with the Third Secret. It was revealed in 2000 and includes information about the persecution of Christians in the 20th century that culminated in the failed assassination attempt on Pope John Paul II. However, historical references to the Third Secret indicate something else entirely, with information regarding Apocalypse, a great apostasy, and satanic infiltration of the Catholic Church. If you are unfamiliar, apostasy is the formal disaffiliation from, or abandonment of, a religion by a person, basically, criticism of a person’s former religion. In 1980, John Paul II was quoted on the Third Secret. “It should be sufficient for all Christians to know this much. If there is a message, it is said that the oceans will flood entire sections of the Earth and from one moment to the other, millions of people will perish.”
Solway Firth Spaceman
Val Camonica, Italy, is one of the largest valleys of the central Alps, in eastern Lombardy. It is the location of a set of ancient paintings that are believed to depict forgotten deities. The pictures resemble modern day astronauts, despite being painted around 10,000 BC. I can see the resemblance to a space suit, but I am more impressed with the modern day photographic evidence that was captured by the Solway Firth Spaceman photograph. On May 23, 1964, Jim Templeton, a firefighter from Carlisle, Cumberland, took three pictures of his five-year-old daughter while on a day trip to Burgh Marsh, situated near Burgh by Sands and overlooking the Solway Firth in Cumbria, England.
The only other people reported on the marshes that day were a couple of old ladies, and although cows and sheep would have normally been plentiful, they were huddled together at the far end of the marsh. In the second image captured by Templeton, a white figure can be seen in what looks like a space suit. Templeton insists that he did not see the figure until after his photographs were developed, and analysts at Kodak confirmed that the photograph was genuine. To this day, the picture remains unexplained and a source of international fascination. When the picture was taken, in 1964, human space suits were in their extreme infancy. It has been suggested by some people that the figure is merely someone with their back to the camera, perhaps wearing a hat or helmet.
Upon the national release of the photograph, Jim Templeton claimed that he was visited by two men who, he says, came from Her Majesty’s Government. The men tried to make Templeton admit that he had photographed a person, but he refused. In the same time frame that the picture was taken, a Blue Streak missile launch at the Woomera Test Range, using Cumbrian-built weaponry, was aborted because of two large men who were witnessed on the firing range. The technicians reported that the figures resembled the Solway Firth Spaceman. Ufologists have used the photograph as evidence that extraterrestrial life has influenced the modern day space program, including space suits.
Mysterious alien invasion movie Skyline could be the next District 9
The low-budget indie Skyline, where hostile aliens unleash hell on Los Angeles, just unveiled its first-ever footage. We saw a movie that definitely has the potential to be the next District 9...but on an even bigger scale.The premise of Skyline is simple. As the trailer and a preview showed us, a group of young, mildly douchey friends are spending the weekend partying at a swanky hotel on the outskirts of Los Angeles. After a night of revelry, they are awakened at 4:27 AM by strange, booming noises. They head outside to see strange blue lights vaporizing downtown Los Angeles. When two of the characters go out to the roof to investigate, they see UFOs descend from the clouds, and other people start getting sucked off the rooftops into the ships.
With that, the race is on to survive and flee the city, all while trying to avoid getting sucked into a UFO, dodge giant prowling aliens, and escape the mysterious blue lights that absolutely wreak havoc on people's skin. We don't know just how massive the attack is - whether it's worldwide or centered on Los Angeles - but we saw clips of giant aerial battles between the military and the UFOs, and the panel moderator hinted that he had seen scenes that were on an even bigger scale.
The movie is the work of the Greg and Colin Strause, who have done amazing visual and special effects work on Avatar, Titanic, 300, X-Men 3, The Day After Tomorrow, and Terminator 3 (and they would really appreciate it if you forgot they directed Aliens vs. Predator: Requiem). The duo chose to work outside the studio system on this project, making a movie on the (relative) cheap and in record time - the movie has only taken 11 months to make. They said they've been around movies long enough to know what people do wrong and cut out all the inefficiencies that cause big budget projects to waste huge amounts of money.
It also allowed them to cast exactly who they wanted, sidestepping the often infuriating politics of casting in the studio system. The movie stars Eric Balfour (Haven), Donald Faison (Turk on Scrubs), Scottie Thompson (Trauma), Brittney Daniel (Mac's on/off love interest on It's Always Sunny in Philadelphia), and David Zayas (Angel Batista on Dexter). Because of the low budget, the cast noted that they didn't have their own trailers, which meant they were able to bond and talk over the movie, which helped their performances. Eric Balfour also mentioned that the Brothers Strause were able to get away with having them do stuff they could never get away with on a bigger picture, including putting the actors on some very rickety scaffolding just because there was no one to tell them no.
Skyline looks like it's got a chance to be the next awesome low-budget alien flick. The Brothers Strause said it has 800 shots in it, which is more than most blockbusters, and their use of high-end digital cameras allowed them to really maximize the amount of shooting they could do with limited time and money. They explained that they told everyone involved to just go nuts and do the sort of stuff they could never get past twenty rounds of producers, and one of the coolest things we saw was the completely organic approach to the alien ships and their marauding alien walkers.
Ancient Mysteries - Puma Punku in Tiahuanaco
the United States and the world. Who knows? Dream
big! I've never seen one
Published: 9:05 AM - 12-07-11
BEE COUNTY, TX (Kiii News) - A mystery in Beeville, where a
nearly 50 year old search for answers has come up empty. And you can
help the Bee County Historical Society identify what experts think could
be a rare set of ancient artifacts.
The search for answers has been ongoing for 46 years, ever since the discovery was unearthed by a railroad crew, excavating the area between George West and Three Rivers. It was donated by one of a group of men who collected them. It appears to be made out of some kind of stone, sandstone maybe.
The search for answers has been ongoing for 46 years, ever since the discovery was unearthed by a railroad crew, excavating the area between George West and Three Rivers. It was donated by one of a group of men who collected them. It appears to be made out of some kind of stone, sandstone maybe.
Some folks think it's Native American, others have theorized it's
Viking. A newspaper article written back in 1965, and the letter to the
museum that accompanied it refers to it as an Indian artifact, but over
the years, no one has been to identify what it is, or what culture it's
from. One thing is for sure, whatever it is is rare.
"I really believe in my heart that it's significant. Not only to this
part of Texas, but to
If you know anything that might be able to help out the Historical Society, their phone number is 361-343-3119.
Some folks think it's Native American, others have theorized it's
Viking. A newspaper article written back in 1965, and the letter to the
museum that accompanied it refers to it as an Indian artifact, but over
the years, no one has been to identify what it is, or what culture it's
from. One thing is for sure, whatever it is is rare.
"I really believe in my heart that it's significant. Not only to this
part of Texas, but to the United States and the world. Who knows? Dream
big! I've never seen one like it and the only stone artifact heads
that I know of are at Malaquite, Texas, and they are very different,
very very different from this one," says Elizabeth Villines with the Bee
County Historical Society.
If you know anything that might be able to help out the Historical Society, their phone number is 361-343-3119.
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